The Divine Souls Center For Ancient Wisdom

Life is short, make it sweet!


The Divine Souls Center For Ancient Wisdom!

This divine lineage includes Shirdi Sai Baba, Sri Kaleshwar, Jesus Christ, Ramana Maharishi, Babaji to name a few…

A very simple technique to release stress and have more peace ..

A very simple, natural and effortless meditation that anyone can learn very easily especially if they have never meditated before or have ever had difficulty meditating in the past.

Sri Kaleshwar was born on January 8,1973 in a small village in Andhra Pradesh, southern India. As a child,

There were many divine occurrences around him. Kaleshwar’s spiritual awakening, what he calls his ‘enlightenment day.’ took place when he was 14 years old. It was then that Shirdi Baba, one of India.’s most revered saints who had died in 1918, miraculously appeared to him when he was studying in an abandoned temple. Soon after, Kaleshwar began demonstrating miraculous healing abilities. Shirdi Baba had opened his energy channels to the Divine. Kaleshwar.’s true dharma, his spiritual work, then began to unfold.

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What my clients say

How meditation has changed lives? Hear from our newest members.

I just wanted to thank you for offering that class, It shifted my consciousness. Seeing everyone as soul, is a practice that, I am aware of. I would like to be in that consciousness all the time. I fall in and out of that awareness, and into the illusions. I'm going to use post notes, here and there to help keep me in that state of being, and help keep me focused on soul awareness. The class had great examples and tools, to help us see when we are getting caught in the illusions, and how to get out of them. The long distance healing, was very powerful. I was doing the mantra, then I was gone. The next thing,I heard this loud Ding. When I came back,I thought, is it morning, then I realized, I went into a deep trance. I also noticed later, when I was doing my mantras, the quality of the energy was different. Thank you! It was very powerful. Thank You, L S
"Chinello has the gift of bridging all the Systems of Knowledge Swami has taught into a Unified Whole Picture of the Truth of Who We Are... the energy shared and received opens my heart and lifts my soul...."MM"
Every retreat I've been to has been amazing and they keep getting better. The amount of love and high divine energy is so beautiful. Chinello is the best teacher and the amount of knowledge that flows through him is endless. These retreats have become a necessity to me, because they help me with very aspect of my life. I always leave on a high of divine energy, deeper understanding of myself and complete peace and love. ...SK
Private session with Chinello.... The presence of the Divine is all around Chinello. His gifts of immeasurable light and unconditional love are felt as you walk in the room. As you are in this presence of Divine lineage my entire body became warm and I physically felt shifts. The classes and the private sessions have resulted in incredible higher vibrational frequency of energy. I am accessing more of my Divine birthright. Incredible gifts of compassion and forgiveness are understood and have a vast deepening and meaning. Powerful gifts of knowledge and a love to share this knowledge in such a meaningful way. I am so grateful for the presence of Chinello in my life. I have shifted beyond my mind and am in a Divine union with my new soul family. Thank-you for your commitement to humaity. I am forever grateful. Many blessing on your incredible journey. Until we meet again. Many blessings, KR

“Begin your journey to a better life with peace, love, beauty, and happiness”

Release Your Inner Genius

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Monday/Friday: 8am to 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 12am